JuiceStand Pro Components
- JuiceStand Pro
- Crossbars (x2 for 1 charging station, x4 for 2 charging stations)
- Backplate (x1 for 1 charging station, x2 for 2 charging stations)
Fasteners - JuiceBox Legacy
- 1/4 in 10-32 Phillips screws (Number 2 drive size) (x4 for 1 charging station, x8 for 2 charging stations) to secure backplate/charging station assembly to stand [Recommended Torque: 21 in lbs]
- 1/2 in 10-32 Phillips screws (Number 2 drive size) (x2 for 1 charging station, x4 for 2 charging stations) to secure crossbars to stand [Recommended Torque: 25 in lbs]
- 3/8 in ¼"-20 Phillips screws (Number 3 drive size) (x4 for 1 charging station, x8 for 2 charging stations) to secure backplate to charging station [Recommended Torque: 25 in lbs]
Fasteners - JuiceBox Next Gen
- ¼ in 10-32 Phillips screws (Number 2 drive size) (x4 for 1 charging station, x8 for 2 charging stations) to secure backplate/charging station assembly to stand [Recommended Torque: 21 in lbs]
- 1/2 in 10-32 Phillips screws (Number 2 drive size) (x2 for 1 charging station, x4 for 2 charging stations) to secure crossbars to stand [Recommended Torque: 25 in lbs]
- 3/4 in 10-32 Phillips screws (Number 2 drive size) (x2 for 1 charging station, x4 for 2 charging stations) to secure backplate to charging station [Recommended Torque: 25 in lbs]
Base Mount Hardware for JuiceStand
- 5 in long and 3/8 in in diameter (x4) Stud Anchors for Concrete [Recommended Torque: 30 ft lbs]
- 8 in long and 3/8 in in diameter (x4) J-Hook Anchors for Wet Concrete [Recommended Torque: 25 ft lbs]
- 3/8 in washers (x4)
- 3/8 in -16 hex nuts (x4)
JuiceStand Pro Dimensions
- Height: 59.3 in (150.6 cm)
- Width: 3.5 in (8.9 cm) x 6 in (15.2 cm) deep
- Base: 12 in (30.4 cm) x 12 in (30.4 cm)