
Wi-Fi Setup

Mobile Device

For best results, perform this procedure while standing within 5 ft (1.6m) of the JuiceBox.

  1. Download and install the “Enel X Way” app onto your mobile device.

    EXW App_Apple.jpeg                         EXW App_Android.jpeg

    Download on the App Store                           Get it on Google Play Store

  1. Log into the Enel X Way app. If you do not have an account, create one and follow the onscreen instructions to customize your experience to select your vehicle and charging profile.

Personal Computer

Connect to Wi-Fi

  1. Unplug the JuiceBox, then plug it back in.
NOTE: The following steps must be completed within 2 minutes of plugging in the JuiceBox.
  1. Open the Wi-Fi settings on your personal computer. Connect to the "JuiceBox-###" or "JuiceNet-###" Wi-Fi network using the password "GoElectric" (case-sensitive).
    NOTE: The actual name of the network varies by device, such as "JuiceBox-123".
  2. In a web browser, navigate to or to setup.com to view a list of available Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Select the desired Wi-Fi network. Enter the Wi-Fi network password, if necessary. Click Connect.
Verify that the JuiceBox is connected by checking that the "Network" indicator on the enclosure is solid blue.
NOTE: After connecting, JuiceBox checks its firmware version and performs any necessary updates. Wait 10 minutes before plugging in a vehicle.