Congrats, you just bought your JuiceNet enabled device and you don't have a 50A circuit. But you might have a 30A, or even a 40A available, so can you use your Juicenet device without issue??
You would first choose the correct adapter for your circuit to mate with the Male 14-50P from the JuiceBox.
Next, power the JuiceBox up and set up the WiFi. Get it connected, add your info (zip code must be added to save settings), and then go into the menu settings and look for the "Maximum Rate (A) and select the appropriate limit.
50A circuit, set to 40A--this is the default.
40A circuit, set to 32A
30A circuit, set to 24A
20A circuit, set to 16A
Make sure to save or hit the check mark in the upper corner.
No app? No problem. On the dashboard you would go to 2 places.
My JuiceNet devices, more details, status--set Allowed Current (A) to the appropriate amperage.
Next, switch to the settings tab and set the Wire Rating to correct (A). The wire rating is used for offline amperage, so both should be set. (This is automatically done thru the app's one setting.)