JuiceBox® Error Codes

In the event of a system error, the JuiceBox unit will produce an audible sequence of tones to indicate its error state. Buzzer tone sequences for error states are listed below.

 JuiceBox Error Codes

 Current generation (built from Feb 2017 to present)

# of Beeps (in Guide)

Error Type


1 (Continuous tone-no breaks)

Ground Lost (Reconnect ground)

WARNING: Hazardous condition indication. Switch circuit breaker off. Get qualified technician to check ground connection to unit or to socket and repair. If powered at 120 VAC through a plug-in adapter, check line and neutral connections as they may be reversed in the adapter or outlet. Re-apply power to reboot JuiceBox. If issue persists, please contact Support.

1 (Repeating beep-short break)

GFI AutoTest Failure (JuiceBox system self-check failure) or Relay Stuck Open

Unplug charger handle from car (if connected). Unplug or switch circuit breaker off for 10 seconds, then re-apply power. If issue persists, please contact Support.

2 (short beeps, then break)

Car malfunction (not obeying J1772)

Unplug and re-plug charger handle into car. Check car dashboard for diagnostics. Unplug or switch circuit breaker off for 10 seconds, then re-apply power. If issue persists, contact Support.

3 (short beeps, then break)

GFI Trip (Check your connection)

Unplug charger handle from car (if connected). Check charger cable for damage. Check charger handle for damage or excess moisture or debris. Unplug or switch circuit breaker off for 10 seconds, then re-apply power.​ If issue persists, contact Support.

4 (short beeps, then break)


Move your JuiceBox to a cooler area, out of direct sunlight, or remove heating sources from area. The JuiceBox will automatically resume when it cools off.

5 (short beeps, then break)

Relay Stuck Closed (Disconnect immediately. Contact support)

WARNING: Hazardous situation indicated. This error code indicates that the relay is stuck closed and that the output plug may be energized when not connected to car. Unplug or switch off the circuit breaker connected to your JuiceBox. Re-apply power to see if error is cleared. If the issue persists, unplug or switch off the circuit breaker and contact support for further assistance.


 Previous Generation (built Aug 2015 to Feb 2017)

Constant Buzzer Tone: (no interruption)  

"No ground" error. Check that your circuit ground connection is established. On 240V single split-phase AC power (US standard), you should find approximately 120V between each line and the ground terminal of your outlet. The Ground connection is usually connected to Neutral at the circuit panel. When using a 240V Line-to-Neutral, single phase mains supply, the Line and Neutral connections should not be reversed on L1 (H) and L2 (H2/N).​ If this is the case, please reverse them at the panel. If the error persists unplug and reboot the JuiceBox. If it occurs intermittently or continues to occur, contact support.

1-Second Repeating Beep Tone:

This error code Indicates possible failure of Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) circuitry. ​If this error persists unplug and reboot the JuiceBox. If it occurs intermittently or continues to occur, contact support.

2-Beep Tones: 

This error code Indicates unintended closure of relay in non-charging state.​ Unplug unit from wall outlet to prevent unsafe charger state. If JuiceBox continues to signal this error, contact support.

3-Beep Tones:

This error code happens after a Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) trip event. The unit will remain inoperable for 15 minutes, during which time the unit will continue to produce the 3 buzz error tone every 15 seconds, and will self-reset after 15 minutes. After 4 GFI trip events and automatic resets, the unit will not self-reset, and will continue to produce the 3 buzz tones every 3 seconds until the car is unplugged. The GFI trip is likely either caused by a wiring problem in the car or J1772 charging handle, or by significant line noise.​ If you continue to have this issue please contact support for further instructions.

4-Beep Tones

This error code indicated that your JuiceBox is overheating. The JuiceBox is too hot (over 80C internally). Move your JuiceBox to a cooler area, out of direct sunlight, or remove heating sources from area. The JuiceBox will automatically resume when it cools off.

5- Beep Tones:

This error code indicated that the relay is stuck open. The relay should have closed for charging. If error persists after unplugging and rebooting the JuiceBox, and your car will not charge, please contact support.

6-Beep Tones:

This error is an internal system fault - usually related to pilot signal generation. Check that your control pilot (CP) signal pin isn't shorted. Contact Support if this code persists.

(Rare) Early Buzzer codes (July-September 2015):

*Information applies to JuiceBoxes built prior to August 28th 2015

In the event of a system error, the JuiceBox unit will produce an audible sequence of tones to indicate its error state. Buzzer tone sequences for error states are listed below. The sequence is a "Tii-duu" (High-Low) dual tone (intended to mean "Uh-oh!"), followed by a number of "Tii" (high) beeps to indicate which error is signaled. The tone pattern typically repeats so you can identify it.

1-Beep Tone: Ground Monitor Interrupt

  • Occurrence of this error state indicates that the unit is not connected to an earth grounded outlet. Please unplug unit and ensure outlet intended for use is earth grounded before attempting to use JuiceBox.

2-Beep Tones: Ground Fault Interrupt Startup Self-Test Failure

  • Occurrence of this error state indicates a failure of the ground fault interrupt system self-test during unit power on. Unplug unit from wall outlet to prevent unsafe charger state.

3-Beep Tones: Stuck Relay Event

  • Occurrence of this error state indicates unintended closure of the JuiceBox’s relay when the unit is not charging a vehicle. Unplug unit from wall outlet to prevent unsafe charger state and contact support.

4-Beep Tones: Ground Fault Interrupt:

4th Fault Error (no beep for first 3 trips with 15-minute auto-reset)

  • After a Ground Fault event the JuiceBox will enter an inoperable state for 15 minutes for safety. After 15 minutes, the unit will enter an operational state. If the ground fault is still present, the unit will repeat the 15 minute waiting period. The JuiceBox will repeat this 15 minute waiting process 4 times in total, after which the unit will become inoperable until it is hard reset via power cycling.